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The example uses the cancer data set from the survival package and compares survival, defined by the time variable time (recoded to years) and the event variable status (recoded to 1 = death, 0 = censored), by sex.

data(cancer, package = "survival")

cancer <- cancer %>%
  tibble::as_tibble() %>%
    # The exposure (here, 'sex') must be categorical (a factor)
    sex = factor(
      levels = 1:2,
      labels = c("Male", "Female")),
    time = time / 365.25,  # transform to years
    status = status - 1)

  ~label,                                  ~type,
  "**Absolute estimates**",                "",
  "*Counts and sums*",                     "",
  "  Observations, *N*",                   "total",
  "  Events, *n*",                         "events",
  "  Events/observations",                 "events/total",
  "  Events/person-years",                 "events/time",
  "*Follow-up*",                           "",
  "  Person-years",                        "time",
  "  Maximum follow-up, years",            "maxfu",
  "  Median follow-up, years",             "medfu",
  "  Median follow-up (IQR), years",       "medfu (iqr)",
  "*Rates*",                               "",
  "  Rate per 1000 person-years",          "rate",
  "  Rate per 1000 person-years (95% CI)", "rate (ci)",
  "  Events/py (rate per 1000 py)",        "events/time (rate)",
  "*Risks*",                               "",
  "  1-year survival",                     "surv",
  "  1-year survival (95% CI)",            "surv (ci)",
  "  1-year risk/cumulative incidence",    "cuminc",
  "  1-year risk (95% CI)",                "cuminc (ci)",
  "  Median survival, years",              "medsurv",
  "  Median survival (95 CI), years",      "medsurv (ci)",
  "",                                      "",
  "**Comparative estimates**",             "",
  "  1-year survival difference",          "survdiff",
  "  1-year risk difference",              "cumincdiff",
  "  1-year survival ratio",               "survratio",
  "  1-year risk ratio",                   "cumincratio",
  "  Hazard ratio (95% CI)",               "hr") %>%
    time = "time", 
    event = "status", 
    exposure = "sex",
    arguments = list(list(timepoint = 1))) %>%
    data = cancer, 
    overall = TRUE) %>%
Summary Overall Male Female

Absolute estimates

Counts and sums

Observations, N

228 138 90

Events, n

165 112 53


165/228 112/138 53/90


165/191 112/107 53/84



191 107 84

Maximum follow-up, years

2.80 2.80 2.64

Median follow-up, years

1.61 2.30 1.45

Median follow-up (IQR), years

1.61 (0.82, 2.64) 2.30 (1.11, 2.77) 1.45 (0.76, 2.25)


Rate per 1000 person-years

866.0 1046.6 634.6

Rate per 1000 person-years (95% CI)

866.0 (743.4, 1008.7) 1046.6 (869.7, 1259.6) 634.6 (484.8, 830.6)

Events/py (rate per 1000 py)

165/191 (866.0) 112/107 (1046.6) 53/84 (634.6)


1-year survival

0.41 0.34 0.53

1-year survival (95% CI)

0.41 (0.34, 0.49) 0.34 (0.26, 0.43) 0.53 (0.42, 0.66)

1-year risk/cumulative incidence

0.59 0.66 0.47

1-year risk (95% CI)

0.59 (0.51, 0.66) 0.66 (0.57, 0.74) 0.47 (0.34, 0.58)

Median survival, years

0.85 0.74 1.17

Median survival (95 CI), years

0.85 (0.78, 0.99) 0.74 (0.58, 0.85) 1.17 (0.95, 1.51)

Comparative estimates

1-year survival difference

0 (reference) 0.19 (0.05, 0.34)

1-year risk difference

0 (reference) -0.19 (-0.33, -0.04)

1-year survival ratio

1 (reference) 1.57 (1.12, 2.19)

1-year risk ratio

1 (reference) 0.71 (0.55, 1.00)

Hazard ratio (95% CI)

1 (reference) 0.59 (0.42, 0.82)

Absolute estimates per exposure category

type Description Options (arguments =)
"cuminc" Cumulative incidence (“risk”) from the Kaplan-Meier estimator or, if competing risks are present, its generalized form, the Aalen-Johansen estimator. If no time point is provided, returns cumulative incidence at end of follow-up. Change between display as proportion or percent using the parameter risk_percent of rifttable(). timepoint, id. Example: list(timepoint = 2.5, id = "id_variable") to show 2.5-year risk and to set a variable identifying individuals (for survival::survfit(), e.g., with time and time2 set up; if none is set, each row is taken as one individual).
"cuminc (ci)" Cumulative incidence (“risk”), as above, with confidence intervals (default: 95%; Greenwood standard errors with log transformation, the default of the survival package/survival::survfit()). See "cuminc".
"events" Event count.
"events/time" Events slash person-time.
"events/time (rate)" A combination: Events slash time followed by rate in parentheses.
"events/total" Events slash number of observations.
"rate" Event rate: event count divided by person-time, multiplied by the rifttable() parameter factor.
"rate (ci)" Event rate with confidence interval (default: 95%; Poisson-type large-sample interval).
"surv" Survival from the Kaplan-Meier estimator. Not estimated if competing risks are present. If no time point is provided, returns survival at end of follow-up. Change between display as proportion or percent using the parameter risk_percent of rifttable(). See "cuminc".
"surv (ci)" Survival from the Kaplan-Meier estimator, as above, with confidence interval (default: 95%; Greenwood standard errors with log transformation, the default of the survival package/survival::survfit()). See "cuminc".
"time" Person-time.
"maxfu" Maximum follow-up time.
"medfu" Median follow-up (“reverse Kaplan-Meier”), equals median survival for censoring. If competing risks are present, events other than the event of interest are also considered censoring to estimate the median follow-up for the event of interest.
"medfu (iqr)" Median and interquartile range for follow-up, as above.
"medsurv" Median survival.
"medsurv (ci)" Median survival with confidence interval (default: 95%).

Comparative estimates with confidence intervals

type Description Options (arguments =)
"cumincdiff" Difference in cumulative incidence (risk difference) from Kaplan-Meier estimator or, if competing risks are present, its generalized form, the Aalen-Johansen estimator, with confidence interval (default: 95%). Uses rifttable::survdiff_ci(). timepoint, id. Example: list(timepoint = 2.5, id = "id_variable") to calculate difference in 2.5-year risk and to set a variable identifying individuals (for survival::survfit(), e.g., with time and time2 set up; if none is set, each row is taken as one individual).
"cumincratio" Ratio of cumulative incidence (risk ratio), with confidence interval (default: 95%), similar to "cumincdiff". timepoint, id
"hr" Hazard ratio from Cox proportional hazards regression, with confidence interval (default: 95%). If competing events are present, hazard ratios are cause-specific for the event of interest. list(robust = TRUE) for robust (sandwich) standard errors. Use "+ cluster(id_variable)" in confounders to obtain clustering.
"survdiff" Difference in survival from Kaplan-Meier estimator, with confidence interval (default: 95%). Not estimated if competing risks are present. Uses rifttable::survdiff_ci(). See "cumincdiff".
"survratio" Ratio of survival from Kaplan-Meier estimator, with confidence interval (default: 95%), similar to "survdiff". See "cumincdiff".

Competing events

With only one event type, the event variable only has two levels: censoring, typically encoded as 0, and the event, typically encoded as 1.

With competing events, the event variable will have additional levels. The survival::Surv() function used by rifttable assumes that the first-ordered level represents censoring and the others are different non-censoring events. For example, if the event variable is a factor, then "Censoring" needs to be the first of the factor’s levels().

It is necessary to specify the event of interest in the design if competing events are present. For example, if the event variable is a factor variable status_competing, with levels "Censored", "Outcome of interest", and "Other-cause death", then specify event = "status_competing@Outcome of interest" in the table design.

See the tables above for how competing events are handled. When no details are noted, the event of interest is recoded as the sole event and other events are considered censoring.

Weighted estimates

The name of a weights variable, for example inverse-probability weights, can be provided via the column weights of the design table. Weights, if present, are used by all comparative estimators of survival as well as by type = "cuminc" and type = "surv", and are ignored otherwise.