
The khsmisc package can be installed from GitHub:

# if "remotes" library is missing, install it first:
#   install.packages("remotes")
remotes::install_github("stopsack/khsmisc", build_vignettes = TRUE)

To access the documentation after installing the package, run




Setting up a new RMarkdown

After successfully installing khsmisc:

  1. Create an RMarkdown file

    RStudio: File > New File > R Markdown… > From Template > khsmisc RMarkdown template

  2. Customize the YAML header

  • Change the title: and author: fields.
  • The date will automatically be updated when compiling the document.
  • Note that this type of code, “YAML,” is sensitive to exact identation. Every indentation is done by exactly two spaces.
  1. Load the package

    The template provides code that will load a number of packages via the khsverse meta-package:

  • To just load the khsmisc package by itself, replace library(khsverse) by library(khsmisc).
  • The template also includes code to set graphics output to SVG format. If PNG output is preferred or the svglite package is not installed, that part can be deleted.
  1. Knit the RMarkdown a first time

    The RMarkdown is ready to be compiled using the Knit button. An HTML document should open that has nothing but a title and the startup messages of khsverse about all the packages it loads. If an an error message is shown instead, perhaps one of the packages was not installed properly?

    Learn more about the syntax of RMarkdown in the RStudio cheatsheets.

Data handling

Load the TCGA BLCA dataset

Participant and tumor data from the Cancer Genome Atlas Bladder Cancer “cohort” (BLCA) will be used in their published 2017 version. Insert a new R chunk into the markdown (toolbar: Insert > R), and add code for reading a tab-separated file (“TSV”). The code retrieves the file data_clinical_patient.txt, which can be downloaded as part of the cBioPortal TCGA-BLCA tarball (276 MB). A copy of just the “clinical” dataset is available in the extdata directory of the khsmisc package. The first four lines of the TSV file are skipped because they contain meta-data.

clinical <- read_tsv(file = system.file("extdata", "data_clinical_patient.txt", 
                                        package = "khsmisc", mustWork = TRUE),
                     skip = 4)
#> Rows: 411 Columns: 83
#> ── Column specification ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> Delimiter: "\t"
#>  Use `spec()` to retrieve the full column specification for this data.
#>  Specify the column types or set `show_col_types = FALSE` to quiet this message.

An inventory of the dataset:

varlist(clinical) %>%
  print(n = 15)  # show the first 15 lines of output
#> # A tibble: 83 × 4
#>    name                               n class     label
#>    <chr>                          <dbl> <chr>     <chr>
#>  1 OTHER_PATIENT_ID                 411 character NULL 
#>  2 PATIENT_ID                       411 character NULL 
#>  3 FORM_COMPLETION_DATE             411 character NULL 
#>  4 PROSPECTIVE_COLLECTION           411 character NULL 
#>  5 RETROSPECTIVE_COLLECTION         411 character NULL 
#>  6 DAYS_TO_BIRTH                    411 character NULL 
#>  7 SEX                              411 character NULL 
#>  8 HEIGHT                           411 character NULL 
#>  9 WEIGHT                           411 character NULL 
#> 10 RACE                             411 character NULL 
#> 11 ETHNICITY                        411 character NULL 
#> 12 HISTORY_OTHER_MALIGNANCY         411 character NULL 
#> 13 HISTORY_NEOADJUVANT_TRTYN        411 character NULL 
#> 14 NONINVASIVE_BLADDER_HISTORY      411 character NULL 
#> # ℹ 68 more rows

Select and rename variables of interest:

clinical <- clinical %>%
  select(id         = PATIENT_ID, 
         sex        = SEX,
         race       = RACE,
         ethnicity  = ETHNICITY,
         height     = HEIGHT,
         weight     = WEIGHT,
         agedx      = AGE, 
         dxyear     = INITIAL_PATHOLOGIC_DX_YEAR,
         c_tstage   = CLIN_T_STAGE,
         p_stage    = AJCC_PATHOLOGIC_TUMOR_STAGE,
         p_tstage   = AJCC_TUMOR_PATHOLOGIC_PT, 
         p_nstage   = AJCC_NODES_PATHOLOGIC_PN,
         mstage     = AJCC_METASTASIS_PATHOLOGIC_PM,
         grade      = GRADE,
         histology  = HISTOLOGICAL_SUBTYPE,
         os_status  = OS_STATUS, 
         os_mos     = OS_MONTHS, 
         dfs_status = DFS_STATUS,
         dfs_mos    = DFS_MONTHS)

Load Taylor et al. aneuploidy calls

Additional exposure data on tumors of the same study participants comes in the form of derived tumor aneuploidy scores as per Taylor, …, Meyerson (Cancer Cell 2018;33:676–689).

Next, load the Excel file provided as their Supplementary Table 2 via a HTTPS URL, show dataset inventory, and select/rename variables.

The following code can no longer be excuted because the journal blocks simple downloads. Instead, manually open the link above in the browser.

# Generate temporary path
temporary_path <- tempfile(fileext = ".xlsx")
# Download Taylor suppl. table 2 to that temporary path
download.file(url = "", 
              destfile = temporary_path)
# Print temporary file location
print(paste("Taylor et al. suppl. table 2 is temporarily available locally at",
# Read Excel file from temporary path:
taylor <- read_xlsx(path = temporary_path, 
                    skip = 1)  # skip the first line
# --end workaround--

This example will continue to use SIMULATED data as follows:

# Simulated aneuploidy data for demonstration purposes:
taylor <- clinical %>%
  select(id) %>%
    id = paste0(id, "-01"),  # make simulated IDs match Taylor et al.'s
    purity = rnorm(n = n(), 
                   mean = 0.6,
                   sd = 0.2),
    ascore = rnorm(n = n(),
                   mean = 12,
                   sd = 9),
    ascore = case_when(ascore < 0 ~ 0,
                       ascore > 40 ~ 40,
                       TRUE ~ ascore))

#> # A tibble: 3 × 4
#>   name       n class     label
#>   <chr>  <dbl> <chr>     <chr>
#> 1 id       411 character NULL 
#> 2 purity   411 numeric   NULL 
#> 3 ascore   411 numeric   NULL

Merging datasets

Left-join the Taylor et al. aneuploidy scores to the clinical data, i.e., keep all observations from clinical and those that match from taylor. Because IDs in taylor are tumor IDs, they contain an extra suffix that we need to remove before merging. We also need to check that this procedure did not introduce duplicates.

taylor <- taylor %>%
  mutate(id = str_sub(string = id, start = 1, end = -4))

combined <- clinical %>%
  left_join(taylor, by = "id")

sum(duplicated(combined$id))  # Check for duplicates. Should return 0.
#> [1] 0

Recoding variables

Consistently code categorical variables as a factor and continuous variables as numeric:

combined <- combined %>%
    across(.cols = c(sex, race, ethnicity, smoke,
                     c_tstage, p_stage, p_tstage, p_nstage, mstage, 
                     grade, histology, os_status, dfs_status), 
           .fns = factor),
    across(.cols = c(height, weight, agedx, dxyear, os_mos, dfs_mos),
           .fns = as.numeric))
#> Warning: There were 5 warnings in `mutate()`.
#> The first warning was:
#>  In argument: `across(...)`.
#> Caused by warning:
#> ! NAs introduced by coercion
#>  Run `dplyr::last_dplyr_warnings()` to see the 4 remaining warnings.

The warning messages are expected, as some numeric variables contain non-numeric values.

Next, recode various labels of missing data in categorical variables to a consistent missing type, using fct_collapse:

# Tabulate some examples
combined %>% 
  select(race, dfs_status, histology) %>%
  map(.f = table, 
      useNA = "always")  # always show NA ("missing") levels
#> $race
#>           [Not Available]                     ASIAN BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN 
#>                        18                        44                        23 
#>                     WHITE                      <NA> 
#>                       326                         0 
#> $dfs_status
#>     [Not Available]         DiseaseFree Recurred/Progressed                <NA> 
#>                  89                 179                 143                   0 
#> $histology
#>   [Discrepancy] [Not Available]   Non-Papillary       Papillary            <NA> 
#>               1               4             273             133               0

# Collapse all actually missings to R's missing
combined <- combined %>%
    across(.cols = where(is.factor), 
           .fns = ~fct_collapse(., 
                                NULL = c("[Not Available]", 
#> Warning: There were 13 warnings in `mutate()`.
#> The first warning was:
#>  In argument: `across(...)`.
#> Caused by warning:
#> ! Unknown levels in `f`: [Not Available], [Discrepancy], Indeterminate
#>  Run `dplyr::last_dplyr_warnings()` to see the 12 remaining warnings.

# Revisit the examples after recoding
combined %>% 
  select(race, dfs_status, histology) %>%
  map(.f = table, 
      useNA = "always")  # always show NA ("missing") levels
#> $race
#>                      NULL                     ASIAN BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN 
#>                        18                        44                        23 
#>                     WHITE                      <NA> 
#>                       326                         0 
#> $dfs_status
#>                NULL         DiseaseFree Recurred/Progressed                <NA> 
#>                  89                 179                 143                   0 
#> $histology
#>          NULL Non-Papillary     Papillary          <NA> 
#>             5           273           133             0

Recode event indicators to the numeric values that survival functions require:

combined <- combined %>%
    dfs_event = case_when(
      dfs_status == "Recurred/Progressed" ~ 1,
      dfs_status == "DiseaseFree"         ~ 0),
    os_event  = case_when(
      os_status  == "DECEASED"            ~ 1,
      os_status  == "LIVING"              ~ 0))

Recode race categories to make them more readable:

# Before:
combined %>%
#> # A tibble: 4 × 2
#>   race                          n
#>   <fct>                     <int>
#> 1 NULL                         18
#> 2 ASIAN                        44
#> 4 WHITE                       326

combined <- combined %>% 
         # Change from all uppercase:
    race      = factor(str_to_title(race)),
    ethnicity = factor(str_to_title(ethnicity)),
    # Make "Black" as short as other categories
    race = fct_recode(race, Black = "Black Or African American"),
    # Make "White" the reference category because of sample size
    race = fct_relevel(race, "White"))

# After:
combined %>%
#> # A tibble: 4 × 2
#>   race      n
#>   <fct> <int>
#> 1 White   326
#> 2 Asian    44
#> 3 Black    23
#> 4 Null     18

Assign meaningful labels to the smoke variable, based on inspection of other smoking-related variables in the full dataset:

combined <- combined %>%
    smoke = factor(
      levels = 1:5, 
      labels = c("Never", "Current", 
                 "Former, quit >15 y", "Former, quit <15 y", 
    # Combine all "formers":
    smoke3 = fct_collapse(
      Former = c("Former", 
                 "Former, quit >15 y", 
                 "Former, quit <15 y")),
    # Change order of levels, starting with "never" as the reference:
    smoke3 = fct_relevel(
      "Never", "Former", "Current"))

Creating derived variables

combined <- combined %>%
  mutate(bmidx = weight / ((height/100)^2)) %>%
  select(-height, -weight)

Categorizing variables

Category boundaries are informed by results from code to be run below.

combined <- combined %>%
    ascore_cat = cut(
      breaks = c(0, 5, 10, 20, max(ascore, na.rm = TRUE)), 
      include.lowest = TRUE))

Labeling variables

combined <- combined %>%
    sex        = "Sex",
    race       = "Self-reported race",
    ethnicity  = "Ethnicity",
    smoke      = "Smoking status at diangosis",
    smoke3     = "Smoking status at diagnosis",
    agedx      = "Age at diagnosis",
    dxyear     = "Calendar year of initial diagnosis",
    bmidx      = "Body mass index at diagnosis",
    p_stage    = "AJCC pathologic stage",
    mstage     = "Metastases at diagnosis",
    grade      = "Histologic grade",
    histology  = "Histologic subtype",
    ascore     = "Aneuploidy score",
    ascore_cat = "Aneuploidy score",
    purity     = "DNA tumor purity by ABSOLUTE")

Data description

Contingency tables

combined %>%
  tabulate_rowcol(smoke3, race) %>%  # make contingency table
  mygt()  # format
smoke3 X race White Asian Black Null Total
Never 79 24 5 3 111
Former 175 6 11 6 198
Current 61 14 5 9 89
NA 11 0 2 0 13
Total 326 44 23 18 411

Table of distributional statistics

Exposure and confounders

combined %>%
  # make descriptive table:
  tsummary(race, agedx, bmidx, dxyear, purity, by = race) %>%  
  select(-mean, -sd, -sum) %>%  # remove undesired statistics
    .cols = where(is.numeric), 
    .fns = ~round(x = .x, digits = 2))) %>%  # round
  mygt()  # format
race rows obs distin min q25 median q75 max
White 326 326 46 44.00 61.00 70.00 76.75 90.00
Asian 44 44 28 34.00 54.75 62.50 73.00 85.00
Black 23 23 17 43.00 59.50 66.00 73.00 90.00
Null 18 18 15 47.00 57.50 70.00 76.50 84.00
White 326 283 268 14.96 24.23 26.99 30.41 59.05
Asian 44 43 43 16.02 19.47 21.01 22.39 25.36
Black 23 18 19 18.96 23.04 26.16 28.52 68.32
Null 18 17 17 18.82 23.53 25.83 27.28 33.46
White 326 313 16 1999.00 2009.00 2011.00 2012.00 2013.00
Asian 44 43 8 2005.00 2011.00 2012.00 2013.00 2013.00
Black 23 22 8 2006.00 2010.00 2011.00 2011.75 2013.00
Null 18 15 8 2000.00 2006.00 2007.00 2009.50 2013.00
White 326 326 326 0.11 0.48 0.59 0.73 1.25
Asian 44 44 44 0.14 0.44 0.57 0.72 1.02
Black 23 23 23 0.32 0.51 0.61 0.77 1.04
Null 18 18 18 0.36 0.56 0.62 0.76 0.91


combined %>%
  tsummary(starts_with("ascore")) %>%  # make descriptive table
  select(-mean, -sd, -sum) %>%  # remove undesired statistics
  mygt()  # format
variable rows obs distin min q25 median q75 max
ascore 411 411 368 0 6.392934 12.71552 18.1984 36.22543

Plots of the outcome

combined %>%
  ggplot(mapping = aes(x = ascore)) +
  geom_histogram(binwidth = 2) +  # each bar = 2 units of "ascore"

Is the outcome reasonably normally distributed? Show a quantile–quantile plot before and after log transformation.

combined %>% 
  ggplot(aes(sample = ascore)) + 
  stat_qq() + 
  stat_qq_line() +
  labs(y = "Sample, untransformed") +

combined %>% 
  ggplot(aes(sample = log(ascore + 0.1))) + 
  stat_qq() + 
  stat_qq_line() +
  labs(y = "Sample, log(x + 0.1)-transformed") +

Main results

Study population: Applying and documenting exclusions

Because the main exposure is self-reported race, we will have to exclude participants with missing race from the analytical population.

# All participants:
#> [1] 411

# Exclude with missing race:
analytical <- combined %>%
  filter(! %>%
  copy_labels_from(from = combined)

# Analytical population:
#> [1] 411

Note that the dataset contains participants with tumors that were metastatic at diagnosis (M1):

analytical %>%
#> # A tibble: 4 × 2
#>   mstage     n
#>   <fct>  <int>
#> 1 NULL       3
#> 2 M0       195
#> 3 M1        11
#> 4 MX       202

In the analytical dataset, does everyone have an aneuploidy score?

analytical %>%
  mutate(missing_ascore = %>%
  tabulate_rowcol(missing_ascore, race) %>%
missing_ascore X race White Asian Black Null Total
FALSE 326 44 23 18 411
Total 326 44 23 18 411

Figure 1: Box-whiskers/dot plots

analytical %>%
  stripplot(x = race, 
            y = ascore)

Restricted to high grade, non-missing aneuploidy scores and histology, and then color code by histology

analytical %>%
  filter(grade == "High Grade") %>%
  filter(! & ! %>%
  stripplot(x = race, 
            y = ascore, 
            color = histology) +
  # change color palette:
  scale_color_viridis_d(option = "cividis", 
                        end = 0.8, 
                        direction = -1) +
  # add label:
  labs(color = "Histology")