This data dictionary describes the full set of derived variables to use for analyses after running load_prostate_redcap() and check_prostate_redcap(recommended_only = TRUE). Additional variables may be available, especially if disabling recommended_only.

For definitions and underlying data collection, see the data dictionary of the REDCap database.

Patient-level data

Available in the datasets$pts dataset.

At diagnosis

Variable Description Levels Reasons for missing values
ptid Patient ID. Will be sequential integer number in deidentified data. (No missing values)
age_dx Age at prostate cancer diagnosis (in years) Continuous Date of birth or diagnosis unavailable (unusual1)
race4 Self-reported race, 4 categories Asian; Black or African American; White; Other (the latter category to avoid identifiability in uncommon categories) Not reported
race3 Self-reported race, 3 categories Asian; White; Black Another category or not reported
smoking Self-reported smoking status around first contact Current; Former; Never Not reported
bx_gl34 Gleason score at biopsy (diagnosis), grade-grouped <7; 3+4; 4+3; 8; 9-10 Not available or Gleason score sum 7 with unknown major/minor pattern
psa_dx Prostate-specific antigen at cancer diagnosis (ng/ml) Continuous Unavailable
psa_dxcat Prostate-specific antigen at cancer diagnosis (ng/ml) <4; 4-10; 10-20; >20 Unavailable
lnpsa_dx Prostate-specific antigen at cancer diagnosis (ng/ml), loge-transformed Continuous Unavailable
stage Clinical TNM stage at diagnosis N0/NX M0; N1 M0; M1 Metastasis (M) stage component unavailable (unusual1)
clin_tstage Clinical T (tumor) stage at diagnosis T1/T2; T3; T4 Not available (many are M1)
clin_nstage Clinical N (nodal) stage at diagnosis N1 M0; N1 M0 Not available (many are M1)
mstage M (metastasis) stage at diagnosis M0; M1 Unavailable (unusual1)

1 A dataset processed through check_prostate_redcap() excludes records with missing values in the key characteristics, age at diagnosis and M stage. Missingness will only occur if QC filters in check_prostate_redcap() were manually disabled.

Primary treatment

Variable Description Levels Reasons for missing values
rxprim Primary treatment Many levels due to treatment combinations; also “No Primary Therapy” and “Other” Unknown
rxprim_rp Primary treatment included radical prostatectomy TRUE; FALSE None (FALSE if no report about prostatectomy)
rxprim_adt Primary treatment included androgen deprivation therapy TRUE; FALSE None (FALSE if no report about primary ADT)
rxprim_chemo Primary treatment included chemotherapy TRUE; FALSE None (FALSE if no report about primary chemotherapy)
rxprim_xrt Primary treatment included radiation therapy TRUE; FALSE None (FALSE if no report about XRT)
rxprim_other Primary treatment included free-text TRUE; FALSE None (FALSE if no free-text)
rxprim_oth Primary treatment, other Freetext Predefined treatment combination used, or primary treatment unknown
rp_gl34 Gleason score at radical prostatectomy, grade-grouped <7; 3+4; 4+3; 8; 9-10 Not available, no radical prostatectomy, or Gleason score sum 7 with unknown major/minor pattern
path_t pT (tumor) stage at radical prostatectomy 2; 2a; 2b; 2c;; 3; 3a; 3b; 4 Unknown or no radical prostatectomy
path_n pN (nodal) stage at radical prostatectomy 0; 1 Unknown or no radical prostatectomy

Sample-level data

Available in the datasets$smp dataset.

Variable Description Levels Reasons for missing values
ptid Patient ID. Will be sequential integer number in deidentified data. Matches ptid in the pts dataset. (No missing values)
dmpid Sample ID (No missing values)
hist_smp Histology of the sample Adenocarcinoma / poorly differentiated carcinoma; Adenocarcinoma/poorly differentiated carcinoma with ductal or intraductal features; Adenocarcinoma/poorly differentiated carcinoma with Neuroendocrine features; Other (Text box); Pure Small Cell / Neuroendocrine Carcinoma Unknown
dzextent_smp Disease extent at sample (biopsy) Localized; Regional nodes; Metastatic hormone-sensitive; Non-metastatic castration-resistant; Metastatic castration-resistant; Metastatic, variant histology Unavailable (unusual, see footnote above)
dzextent_seq Disease extent at sequencing Localized; Regional nodes; Metastatic hormone-sensitive; Non-metastatic castration-resistant; Metastatic castration-resistant; Metastatic, variant histology Unavailable (unusual, see footnote above)
ext_pros Disease extent at sampling includes prostate TRUE; FALSE None (FALSE if no known prostate disease)
ext_lndis Disease extent at sampling includes distant lymph nodes TRUE; FALSE None (FALSE if no known distant lymph node)
ext_bone Disease extent at sampling includes bone TRUE; FALSE None (FALSE if no known bone disease)
ext_vis Disease extent at sampling includes visceral disease (liver, lung, other soft tissue) TRUE; FALSE None (FALSE if no known visceral disease)
ext_liver Disease extent at sampling includes liver TRUE; FALSE None (FALSE if no known liver disease)
ext_lung Disease extent at sampling includes lung TRUE; FALSE None (FALSE if no known lung disease)
ext_other Disease extent at sampling includes other soft tissue TRUE; FALSE None (FALSE if no known other soft tissue)
bonevol Volume of bone disease at sample (biopsy) High-Volume Bone Metastases; Low-Volume Bone Metastases Unknown or none bone metastases
cntadt Sample on continuous androgen deprivation therapy Yes; No Unknown
tissue Sample tissue Bone; Liver; Lung; Lymph Node; Other soft tissue; Prostate None
smp_pros Sample tissue is prostate Prostate; Non-prostate None
smp_tissue Sample tissue (collapse) Prostate; Lymph node; Bone; Visceral; Other soft tissue None
primmet_smp Disease extent at sample: primary or regional nodes (“Primary”) vs. all others (“Metastatic”) Primary; Metastatic Unknown
age_smp Age at sample (biopsy, in years) Continuous Unavailable (unusual, see footnote above)
age_seq Age at sequencing (in years) Continuous Unavailable (unusual, see footnote above)
dx_smp_mos Time from diagnosis to sample (biopsy, in months) Continuous Unavailable (unusual, see footnote above)
adt_smp_mos Time from ADT initiation to sample (biopsy, in months) Continuous Unavailable
dx_seq_mos Time from diagnosis to sequencing (in months) Continuous Unavailable (unusual, see footnote above)
dzvol Disease volume at sample (biopsy): composite of disease extent (high if visceral) and bone volume (high if >=4 bone metastases) Low-volume disease; high-volume disease Non-metastatic disease at sample
denovom_smp De-novo metastatic disease: metastases since diagnosis (M1) vs. M0 at diagnosis and metastases detected after diagnosis but before sample Metastatic recurrence; de-novo metastatic Non-metastatic disease at sample
denovom_seq De-novo metastatic disease: metastases since diagnosis (M1) vs. M0 at diagnosis and metastases detected after diagnosis but before sequencing Metastatic recurrence; de-novo metastatic Non-metastatic disease at sequencing



  • Indicator (event) variables are in datasets$pts, because events can only occur once per person.
  • Time variables are in datasets$smp, because time intervals between start of follow-up and event depend on when start of follow-up is set and thus differ for different samples from the same person. For analyses, select samples and then merge patient data by ptid.

Time variables will be missing:

  • If the patient is not at risk of the event at the start of follow up because the event already occurred, e.g., metastasis when starting follow-up in metastatic castration-resistant disease.
  • If the patient is not at risk because the event cannot occur, e.g., a variant histology indicates castration resistance and the patient will by definition not be followed for this outcome.
  • If the event time is unknown.
Outcome: Transition Population of Interest Event variable (Descriptive) Event variable (modeling) Time variable (from sequencing) Time variables (late-entry models)1
Metastasis: Sequencing to metastasis Disease extent “Localized” or “Regional nodes” at sequencing is_met: No; Yes met_event: 0; 1 seq_met_mos: Months from sequencing to metastasis or last clinic visit dx_met_mos: Months from diagnosis to metastasis or last clinic visit
Metastasis-free survival: Sequencing to metastasis or death from any cause (composite endpoint) Disease extent “Localized” or “Regional nodes” at sequencing is_mfs: Event-free; Metastasis/death mfs_event: 0; 1 seq_mfs_mos: Months from sequencing to metastasis, death, or last clinic visit (if neither) dx_mfs_mos: Months from diagnosis to metastasis, death, or last clinic visit (if neither)
CRPC: Sequencing to castration resistance Disease extent “Localized”, “Regional nodes”, or “Metastatic hormone-sensitive” at sequencing is_crpc: No; Yes; N/A-Pure Other Histology at Diagnosis; N/A-Pure small cell/neuroendocrine at diagnosis crpc_event: 0; 1; missing (if variant histology) seq_crpc_mos: Months from sequencing to castration resistance or last clinic visit dx_crpc_mos: Months from diagnosis to castration resistance or last clinic visit
Overall survival: Sequencing to death All is_dead: Alive; Dead death_event: 0; 1 seq_os_mos: Months from sequencing to death or last contact dx_os_mos: Months from diagnosis to death or last contact; adt_os_mos: Months from ADT initiation to death or last contact; met_os_mos: Months from metastasis to death or last contact

1 In late entry models, participants should enter risk sets at the time of sequencing using appropriate variables, i.e., dx_seq_mos (diagnosis to sequencing), adt_seq_mos (ADT initiation to sequencing), or met_seq_mos (metastasis to sequencing).