• load_prostate_redcap(): {dplyr} 1.1.0 input check compatibility.
  • Return types of visceral sites even if recommended_only = TRUE.
  • Define time/event variables for metastasis-free survival.
  • Add metastasis as time origin, in addition to sequencing, diagnosis, and ADT. Document all available time origins for survival-type analyses in vignette. Add argument time_origin to load_prostate_redcap() for easier selection.
  • Add loading and deidentification of treatment data (trt).
  • deidentify_prostate_redcap() Allow removal of ID from additional datasets for merging (ext).
  • Add introductory vignette and (fake) example dataset.
  • Export additional sample (smp) data elements; fix tissue type variable, and add sample to keep_also list.
  • Make use of newly available sequencing date and define entry time for survival analyses on that date; define time-varying variables separately at sample and at sequencing.
  • Move deidentify_prostate_redcap() into separate function.
  • Expand documentation, add pkgdown site.
  • Fix sample QC filter 7: primmet == "Primary" & smp_met_mos < 0.5 only in samples with is_met == "Yes".
  • Separate the patient QC filter for missing censor date.
  • Fix definitions of tissue (sample type), dzextent (variant histologies).
  • Fix sample QC filter 8, smp_met_mos > 0.5 in samples that are metastatic according dzextent, to keep nmCRPC samples.
  • Reorder smp_type, dzextent.
  • First release.