For use in check_prostate_redcap.




  • label: Description of the exclusion criterion.

  • filter_criterion: Expression that will be used in filter for restriction to observations that pass the criterion.

  • index: Level of QC that can be provided to check_prostate_redcap in the qc_level_pts and qc_level_smp arguments.


# Show all criteria:
#> # A tibble: 10 × 3
#>    label                                               filter_criterion index
#>    <chr>                                               <list>           <int>
#>  1 All samples                                         <lgl [1]>            1
#>  2 Samples without qc'd patient data                   <language>           2
#>  3 Incomplete record                                   <language>           3
#>  4 Missing date of sample                              <language>           4
#>  5 Missing disease extent                              <language>           5
#>  6 Sample date after last follow-up                    <language>           6
#>  7 Localized/reg. nodes sample; met_date before sample <language>           7
#>  8 Metastatic sample; met_date after sample            <language>           8
#>  9 Localized sample; stage N1 or M1                    <language>           9
#> 10 Regional nodes sample; stage M1                     <language>          10

# Show code for criterion #4:
#> !